About NationalMap

Our singular focus is on providing the most current, comprehensive, accurate & standardised geospatial dataset available for New Zealand.

Engineered with spatial display and analysis in mind, NationalMap can be used in all platforms & viewers and is the trusted solution for all organisations that rely on precise, standardised data to operate successfully.

2.4 million

Address records


Routable road, pedestrian and cycleway links

116,000 km

Drivable roads


Points of Interest & Land Uses



Basemaps and Data Bundles

Organisations of all sizes and industries rely on in depth, concise, current, and intuitive data to run their business successfully. You’ll find all the information you need (and then some) in NationalMap’s Basemaps and Data Bundles – ready to go or easily customisable to suit your exact needs.

NationalMap Basemaps
NationalMap Basemaps

Boasting authoritative, nationwide standardised content, NationalMap Basemaps offers beautiful, uncluttered designs to enhance and complement your data. Three ready-to-use basemaps, or configured to suit your specific requirements.

NationalMap Roads & Transport
NationalMap Roads and Transport

NationalMap Roads & Transport intelligently merges a wide range of comprehensive layers and datasets, with a fully navigable and standardised road network, serving up some of the most trustworthy and precise content available in New Zealand.

NationalMap Location Data
NationalMap Location Data

Available in a variety of formats to easily integrate with your GIS or CAD system, NationalMap Location Data combines a unique mix of points of interest and contextual data, as well as various boundaries – ready to back your projects, maps and designs.


Ixom Logo


Given the nature of our chemical loads, safety and compliance are absolutely essential for Ixom. However, the old paper based HPMV permits simply created too many risks for our operations. NationalMap have taken us on a smart routing and navigation journey that's transformed how our drivers work, removing risk and creating significant cost efficiencies.

Willy Hogan, Bulk Liquid Transport – NZ Operations Manager, Ixom

Fonterra is a global nutrition company owned by 10,500 farmers and their families, united by a fundamental belief in the power of dairy to make a difference. Moving milk from our farms to our factories is a 24x7 process and our fleet management system is central to smooth operations. We rely heavily on NationalMap data to design and maintain our truck routes. From speed limits, to turn restrictions, to bridge weight restrictions, NationalMap’s accurate data layers enable us to determine the most efficient and safest routes for our trucks.

Nigel Nichols, Analyst, Fonterra Co-operative Group

The company we keep

Fonterra Blue Current Reach PMP Limited Spark