NationalMap Roads & Transport

NationalMap Roads & Transport offers up everything you need for your roading and routing projects.

A fully navigable road network with a wide range of comprehensive layers and datasets gives you the ability to customise your calculations and output down to the finest detail. Standardised road names and abbreviations minimise the risk of confusion or mislabelling.

The ability to integrate NationalMap Roads & Transport with any routing, GIS, or CAD application means you can hit the ground running. And because we believe in enabling our customers to go above and beyond with their projects, we’re here to work alongside you, building a solution that complements your specific needs.

Why Roads & Transport?

Fully navigable
Fully navigable road network

Access named roads, carriageways, turn restrictions, one-way indicators, speed limits, travel speed categories, surface type, legality, pedestrian and cycle networks, bridges, publicly and privately-maintained roads, railways, ferry routes, airports, points of interest, and much more

Regular updates
Regular updates and additions

New roads are added and existing roads amended to reflect developments or changes with every update

Proposed transport links
Ability to see proposed transport links

Proposed roads or those under development are added to enable future referencing so users can plan ahead

Road alignment
Real-world road alignment


All roads and carriageways are aligned to within two metres of their real-world centreline positioning

Customer Benefits

Roads and Transport Customer Benefits

Optimise your fleet usage and save time, cost, and resource.

Managing multiple vehicles or locations and successfully adhering to business and Health and Safety rules on a daily basis is no mean feat. Particularly if you need to do it in the most efficient, effective way possible.

With a fully navigable, comprehensive New Zealand road network updated on a regular basis, NationalMap Roads & Transport includes all the detail you need – travel speed estimates, road conditions, crossing and interchange details, and much more. Feed these into your fleet management algorithms and you’ve got a dependable network and map display that enables you to optimise all your fleet routing needs.

See how Fonterra uses NationalMap for fleet management...

Understand your roads and keep communities and drivers safe.

Whether you’re responsible for setting road rules to reduce risk; are tasked with ensuring drivers adhere to these rules; or responsible for making or auditing Road User Charge claims, using detailed and authoritative data gives you the confidence to make reliable, solid decisions.

Used within a GIS or vehicle tracking system, NationalMap Roads & Transport gives you a complete, single view of roads’ risk profiles – including alignment, surface, gradient, curves, and proximity to local facilities such as schools – allowing you to set appropriate speed limits or add extra signage, or track and identify driver performance

See how PMP Limited uses NationalMap to keep their workers safe...
Roads and Transport Customer Benefits
Roads and Transport Customer Benefits

Provide a single source of truth across multiple teams and agencies.

Being able to truly understand a region, its transport network, and the nuances of its surrounding areas is essential for cross-agency teams not only in critical situations, but in everyday life too.

With real-world positioning, accurate and detailed identification of roads (both public and private), and up-to-date transport links (current, under development, and proposed), NationalMap Roads & Transport gives multiple teams and field crews a complete, single source of truth that enables them to confidentially make quick decisions and dependable plans.

See how Spark Connect uses NationalMap to choose the right locations for their mobile towers...

Make better investment decisions when expanding, downsizing, or starting your business.

When your business is looking to invest in, or move from, land or franchise territories to meet market demand, being able to analyse and compare a variety of statistics is key in making a sound, valuable decision.

NationalMap Roads & Transport enables you to calculate equal travel time or distance within a GIS, as well as gain an in depth view of local population statistics and demographics, and proposed transport links. The ability to integrate NationalMap Roads & Transport with your own existing location data solutions also allows you to produce analysis in-house at your own pace, to your own objectives.

See how Reachmedia uses NationalMap to help their customers increase ROI...
Roads and Transport Customer Benefits

Delivery Methods

Here at NationalMap, we know that one size very rarely fits all, which is why we offer various delivery options. We want to make sure you’re getting the data you need as accurately and efficiently as possible, in the method that suits you best.

Custom Delivery
Custom Delivery
  • Best if: You want access to the full featured dataset.

    Our Custom Delivery method gives you the opportunity to access the entire dataset and pick and choose what you want – all delivered via your chosen method (DVD, USB, FTP, or Dropbox).

    And, because it’s a subscription-based service, you’ll automatically receive regular updates. NationalMap Custom Delivery subscribers also get access to the Subscriber and Free groups on NationalMap Data Service.

Data Service
Data Service
  • Best if: You need immediate access to Roading and Transport data for your territory.

    Our authoritative, easy-to-use online platform, NationalMap Data Service, offers up the latest updates in Roading and Transport data, ready to be selected and downloaded by you if, and when, you need it.

    If you’re looking for instant access to a multitude of precise content, you’ll find it here – all available at the click of a button.

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Fonterra is a global nutrition company owned by 10,500 farmers and their families, united by a fundamental belief in the power of dairy to make a difference. Moving milk from our farms to our factories is a 24x7 process and our fleet management system is central to smooth operations. We rely heavily on NationalMap data to design and maintain our truck routes. From speed limits, to turn restrictions, to bridge weight restrictions, NationalMap’s accurate data layers enable us to determine the most efficient and safest routes for our trucks.

Nigel Nichols, Analyst, Fonterra Co-operative Group

Given the nature of our chemical loads, safety and compliance are absolutely essential for Ixom. However, the old paper based HPMV permits simply created too many risks for our operations. NationalMap have taken us on a smart routing and navigation journey that's transformed how our drivers work, removing risk and creating significant cost efficiencies.

Willy Hogan, Bulk Liquid Transport – NZ Operations Manager, Ixom

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The company we keep

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