A lot can change in 10 years.And, if we look back into the rearview mirror of our past, then we can see quite clearly that 2014 really was a different place and time, where things were done differently, for example, neither Zoom meetings or Netflix were even really a thing back then.
A different New Zealand: Looking back 10 years in the rear-view mirror
May 28, 2024 12:09:49 PM / by Andrew Smith
Our proximity to infrastructure and amenities: The green, green grass of home
Jul 7, 2022 4:18:27 PM / by Andrew Smith
Over the last few weeks, the NationalMap team have been working on a project for a client that is largely based around identifying the physical attributes, infrastructure and amenities of our cities and towns.
Location, Location, Location: Housing Development & Infrastructure
Sep 27, 2021 10:52:18 AM / by Derek Love, Data Lead
A proposed housing development south of Auckland got me thinking about the location of new housing
My expertise is mapping…..mapping the above ground, or ‘viewable world’, but there is a whole other world in underground services, which is vital to our everyday as we know it.
Coronavirus: An effective all-of-government strategy and framework for action will require a national geospatial dataset
Mar 19, 2020 9:16:10 AM / by Andrew Smith
Interestingly, academics often trace the very origins of geographic information systems (GIS) to the beginnings of epidemiology and John Snow’s Cholera map of 18541.
Globally, the COVID-19 outbreak is demonstrating, in almost real-time, how individual countries, such as Italy, must respond to a truly national emergency.