Prior to the advent of the motor car most cities were probably by default organised in a way that allowed residents to meet most of their daily needs within a 15-minute walk from their homes. However, the impact of things like motorways, traffic congestion and urban sprawl have meant that for many cities, the distance to essential amenities for its citizens has gradually increased over the years.
If all the roads in NZ were 100km, here’s what that 100km would look like…
Dec 14, 2022 10:32:40 AM / by Andrew Smith
Super-Site Me: Why are fast-food restaurants located where they are?
Nov 3, 2022 2:14:51 PM / by Andrew Smith
For the third blog in our series on the relationship between people and their proximity to amenities (for which we use one or more of our extensive points of interest POI data sets) we have focused on fast-food or “quick service restaurants”.
The twilight zone(s): Where are Kiwis retiring to spend their twilight years?
Sep 20, 2022 7:50:51 AM / by Andrew Smith
For the second blog in our series on the relationship between people and their proximity to amenities (for which we use one or more of our extensive points of interest POI data sets) we have focused on retirement villages and resthomes.
Our proximity to infrastructure and amenities: The green, green grass of home
Jul 7, 2022 4:18:27 PM / by Andrew Smith
Over the last few weeks, the NationalMap team have been working on a project for a client that is largely based around identifying the physical attributes, infrastructure and amenities of our cities and towns.
NZ’s Emissions Reduction Plan: How accurate, fit-for-purpose road mapping data is already helping us get to net-zero emissions (and reduce costs)
May 26, 2022 1:34:26 PM / by Andrew Smith
Last week the Government released New Zealand’s first Emissions Reduction Plan. There’s a lot to absorb (it’s 350 pages long), but with the biggest section of the plan dedicated to transport, it’s very clear that the transport sector has a huge role to play in getting New Zealand to net-zero emissions by 2050.
Global uncertainty: Controlling the controllable so you can keep calm and carry on
May 6, 2022 8:52:42 AM / by Andrew Smith
With the certainties of yesterday seeming like they belong to a different age, it can feel like businesses are having to adapt to a “new normal” almost every day now.
Are we out of the Covid-19 woods yet? Or does the growing outbreak in China herald not only global supply chain disruption, but a new wave of the virus?
Image credit: LINZ & Kāpiti Coast District Council
How does your favourite produce or product actually get from “gate to plate”?
Feb 9, 2022 1:33:01 PM / by Andrew Smith