Putting New Zealand on the map: Geopolitics, propaganda, conspiracy and cartographic distortion

Nov 9, 2021 9:11:52 AM / by Andrew Smith

Sometimes it seems like there is an almost weekly occurrence of New Zealand being “left off” a world map somewhere.

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Location, Location, Location: Housing Development & Infrastructure

Sep 27, 2021 10:52:18 AM / by Derek Love, Data Lead

A proposed housing development south of Auckland got me thinking about the location of new housing


My expertise is mapping…..mapping the above ground, or ‘viewable world’, but there is a whole other world in underground services, which is vital to our everyday as we know it.

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Sea-air and common sense: Permitted movement in your local area when at Alert Level 4

Aug 26, 2021 11:57:29 AM / by Andrew Smith

Last weekend there were a lot of cars parked on the beachfronts of New Zealand while we were in level 4 lock down. A number of coastal locals were getting a bit grumpy, wanting to dob-in these (as they saw it) non-local lockdown breakers – feeling that they should be doing their exercise closer to home.

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Data asset security & sovereignty for nationally important geospatial datasets

Jul 22, 2021 3:20:27 PM / by Andrew Smith

We keep hearing that data is the new oil and while you would be unsurprised to learn that here at NationalMap we have ALWAYS seen the value of high quality geospatial data – it seems the rest of the world is finally catching up with that concept.

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The best laid plans of mice, men and public servants…

Jun 9, 2021 8:25:00 AM / by Andrew Smith

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Change is constant – make sure you’re always up to speed with NationalMap data

May 21, 2021 12:20:28 PM / by Andrew Smith

Far reaching school zoning and speed limit changes (planned and proposed by the Ministry of Education and Waka Kotahi respectively) have been very much in the news recently

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If you have a routing or fleet management system, here's 10 reasons why you need NationalMap data

Apr 15, 2021 4:18:20 PM / by Andrew Smith

We’ve all read (perhaps with varying degrees of amusement) the seemingly endless stories of epic GPS fails. This compilation of disaster from “The Travel” website is a favourite, as it covers such a range of instances where things can “go wrong”.

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“Trucking toward a better future” with HPMV routing

Mar 11, 2021 2:23:12 PM / by Andrew Smith

Every little bit helps. It’s a statement that really couldn’t be truer than when it comes to tackling the challenge of climate change and environmental sustainability.

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Feet of clay & how poor data quality destroys business value

Jan 28, 2021 12:31:14 PM / by Andrew Smith

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Tracking The Change

Jan 26, 2021 4:01:06 PM / by Derek Love, Data Lead

I absolutely love imagery. It is a source of truth in an ever-changing world and one of the most useful tools for creating and maintaining the accurate, reliable, and current road network we provide in NationalMap.

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